What’s Age Got To Do With it?

I’ve been searching and absorbing websites, books, special interests, and communities looking for, no, gravitating toward something hip. Something that grabs me at ‘hip.’

It seems to be rather complicated, and yet by contrast, refreshingly not. The quick answer is, will finally someone get me, and the language to wrap the thinking around how I am, right here and now as an energetically and creatively charged older human. 

And why does that seem important to me?

Because as we age, we, for some crazy-ass reason become invisible. Ha, I thought it would be cool to have as a superpower the ability to be invisible, and yet we seem to be automatically given that power eventually whether we want it or not. And it is NOTHING as I imagined it to be. My naivety had me believing that being invisible as a superpower put me in the driver’s seat. However, being invisible without my ok is a whole other thing. Don’t get me wrong I will never allow myself to become invisible without my consent, and yet, I just know that I now must think about it. Am I being ignored? Am I invisible?

In my perfect world it should be hip to just be ... to just be you and me in all our glorious beingness. Ok, probably not a word, but who cares.

Wouldn’t it be great to discover communities of groovy ideas, resources, and thinking that speak to our soul. Maybe you’ve found it. I just know that my active aging self needs to stay curious and inspired, all the while, of course feeling fabulous as much as I can. 

Think of it, a community where humans are brought together for the benefit of others. A curated experience where creativity and a life led with gusto is top of mind. In my small way I hope I’m contributing to the cause by creating an Intentionally You series with the hope that people would be able to come together and just connect on things that mattered. At the very least I feel better having started something.

Either way, there should be so much more to discover as we journey on in our lives.

As I write this, it’s not so much about the collective itself as it is about the way the collective has been brought together and consciously formed. With a pure interest and intent for one’s overall well-being as one moves into another phase of one’s life. In fact, a misunderstood and dare I say, quoting a friend who said it beautifully; the last bastion of so called " acceptable discrimination" that needs to be called out. Enough. 

I’m not who other’s think I am, at this stage of my life, based upon my age – a number. Not even close. So, who do I think I am? Much to my enjoyment, I’m still figuring out how hip I am. I’m exploring and delving into the possibilities, as I hope you are too. 

Being open to the opportunities of what community is and what I can share, is where I want to lean into. What we share together. To be inspired by one another. Ah yes, it’s the spark of inspiration that has me fired up and fully charged. 

When we understand that ultimately, it’s up to each of us to put one foot in front of the other and walk in a direction we want to be growing, then our communities will appear. So, we embrace this experience with eyes wide open and curiosity a blazing.

I’m up for it! I’m ready. 

We have a lot of gifts, wisdom, and innovation to share with one another. Let’s get hip to THAT.

Amy Goldberg

Showing you how to identify the opportunities in life and in business, then making them happen.


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